
Showing posts from January, 2010

Dare to ride the 'Double Loop?'

You could say that life is a roller coaster. It moves quickly, is inescapable until it stops and the seat locks are lifted, and it takes unexpected and unpredictable turns, drops, rises and spins. Tonight I wonder where I will be in a year from now. When I was in grade 2, I would never have guessed my surroundings would have changed so drastically from high rises and roses to cow pies and orchard flowers. Again as a middle school nobody, I would never have guessed myself a success at sports, books and theater. When I planned university I hardly knew Canada existed, and when I went to university, I never in a million years would have suspected I would end up in Korea, and then back in the states teaching. Nor at any of those moments would I have guessed myself brave enough to encounter hidden parts of the world, sickness in high mountain villages or language charades in public streets. I am what I did not expect or dream, have done what I never thought of or knew to be, and have becom...

The Job of a Stranded Traveler

There is nothing quite like the moment of time which just passed by. You cannot retrieve it again except from the realm of memory to observe and then place back in its store in history's vault. Time completed is passed. It is gone. Lost, in a sense, and found in another. Unlike the computer, who retrieves past and edits and resaves, time is not the same. Time cannot be edited except by belief. We can, of course change HOW we see history, but not what was actually there. What was, is what was, past, done and was. The last year has been multiple chunks of small pieces of time stuck together in a year's long, lengthy version of past. And my past this year, was intense. NEVER would I have guessed that I would feel so stranded as I did for the first 8 months home. Job applications, friend meet-ups, boys, books, pictures, memory, thoughts and breath were the fillings of the mind for those 8 months home. I thought about everything that crossed my mind ten times longer then the aver...

A New Year

Christmas and New Years are both times of new beginning. As I begin again this journey called life I am beginning to wonder about my direction. Currently straight ahead is still in process, but to think ahead I wonder, what comes next? Do I jump off the end of the known into a world that I barely have touched, but love? Or, do I settle calmly down in a career that has caught me and accepted me? Maybe there is another option still unveiled? Christmas means family coming together in noise of laughter, beauty of giving, humble accepting, hearts open, minds communicating, faces relaxing. Christmas is the new beginning that started with the greatest gift ever given man: Jesus. New Year's is similar. It is life, in a sense, given again. a new start to an old life. This new year I'm goaling to learn more about life and love. To not be selfish, and to remember that giving is an act of heart, not hand.